Welcome To Pjd Thatch !!
The Leaders In Thatching And Lapa Industry
Thatching And Thatch Repairs Specialists
PJD Thatch is A Johannesburg-based Thatching Company specializing in the Construction And Repairs of Thatch Roof Houses, Thatch Roof Lapas, Lodges and Entertainment Areas.
All designs and constructions are done professionally by myself and my dedicated team. We Have well-trained team of artisans, for whom no job is too big or too small. The business is aimed at personalized customer service so all designs suit customer's preferences.
Every project undertaken is personally supervised and adheres to the highest standards. Best quality materials are selected for projects and this complements the fine workmanship of my disciplined work team.
Best Thatch Company Specialising in:
- New Lapas And Thatch roofs.
- Thatched Roofs Repairs.
- Fire Retardant Application.
- Thatch to Harvey Tiles Conversions.
- Maintenance and re-thatching of weather damaged thatched roofs.
- We Repair and maintain all Thatched roofs and covers.
- Storm Damage
- Valley Leaks
- Chimney Leaks
- Brushing and trimming Lapas
- Existing roofs re-thatched
- Replacing cement ridging with fiber-glass
- Fire Retardant Application.
- Stripping And Rethatch.
Thatch Repairs Options Available.
- Thatch roof construction and thatching of new houses, lodges and lapas.
- Extensions on existing thatched roofs and thatch roof repairs.
- Replacement rotten upright pole, broken or cracked ring beams and trusses, without removing thatch. Combing and patching of thatch roof as well as general thatch roof maintenance and repair.
- Comb and Rethatching a 120 mm layer of new grass over the existing roof.
- Remove old thatch roofs and re-thatch on existing construction.
- Varnishing of all woodwork in lapas and thatched roof structures.
- Strengthening of current thatch roof construction with extra crosses, nuts and bolts.
- Removing of grass and cement ridging and replacing it with fiber glass ridging.
- We also supply fiberglass ridging for new and existing Thatched roofs.
- 10 year guarantee on all new installations
We carry out professional thatching work on all types of buildings; houses, barns, summer houses, well tops, golfing huts and bird tables.

Useful Tips.
- Always be vigilant of loose cables hanging from your roof.
- Inspect your smoke alarms and make sure it is properly installed.
- Check all electrical systems regularly.
- Always check your roof for mice and vermin.
- Have fire blankets in your property and ensure that everyone knows how to use them.
Main Services
We Specialise on Building Thatch Lapas , Thatch Repairs and Mantenance. Lapa Extensions ,Decking ,Thatch Umbrellas and Gazebos. Thatch Swings ,Thatching Houses and Jungle Gyms. Swimming Pools and Harvey Thatch Tiles.
Click To Request For A QuoteOur Recent Projects
The long list of satisfied clients not only serves as a truly valued referral portfolio. But also as a reminder of the trust and confidence placed in our company during the past three decades.
View Our Portfollio Gallery.Why Pjd Thatch ?
Free and Quick Quotations. Negotiable Prices. Thoroughly supervised projects. Guaranteed Workmanship. We can help you in planning so the design of your project.
Click Here !! To Contact Our Free Consultant Now.